To keep up with my latest projects and daily thoughts, follow me on Instagram, where I am most active. *

All professional inquiries should go through my agents (UK), Independent Talent, or my manager (US), Ricky, at Hyphenate Creative.

For Voiceover, I am represented by Anthea Represents.

For inquiries related to my book, please contact my literary agent, Rory, at The Blair Partnership.

* Please note, I do not have a Twitter account so beware of impersonators – I am weary of chasing down these pale imitations of my internet persona so implore you to take me at my word: I am not on twitter! A spiritual teacher of mine once referred to this platform as ‘a cesspool of unconsciousness’ and I quite agree.

I do have a public facebook page but I only use it during press tours.

An Update on Fanmail:

I really appreciate the love and support I receive from fans and would like to thank you for the many thoughtful letters I’ve received over the years. I’m honoured by your kindness. I don’t have time to reply to letters personally at the moment, but I look forward to connecting with you through my work. I will update you on my blog, when I have a future play, appearance or book event, where I would be delighted to meet you.

My fanmail is now handled by my agency, Independent Talent, and processed by my assistant, Lucy. Please note Lucy is currently working through a substantial backlog - this will take a few months. I will update you when this changes.